美國聯邦眾院通過支持台灣國參與聯合國及其他國際組織之第三九○共同決議案 「要求聯合國大會成立工作小組,審視台灣國所處之特殊國際處境, 以確保其兩千三百萬人民參與聯合國工作和活動之基本權利獲得充分尊重。」 獲得台灣總統府與宏都拉斯、巴拉圭、瓜地馬拉、諾魯、貝里斯、塞內加爾、尼加拉瓜、哥斯大黎加、多米尼克、多明尼加、甘比亞、帛琉、薩爾瓦多、聖文森、查德、 索羅門群島、聖克里斯多福、賴比瑞亞、馬拉威、布吉納法索、巴拿馬、格瑞那達、聖多美普林西比、馬紹爾群島、吐瓦魯及史瓦濟蘭等廿六個友邦 的熱烈響應與支持。另捷克代表則以表示有義務維護「聯合國開放、普遍之特性」方式為台灣政府執言。

< The U.S. House of Representative pass CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 390 > Whereas Taiwan has dramatically improved its record on human rights and routinely holds free and fair elections in a multiparty system, as evidenced most recently by Taiwan's second democratic presidential election, in which Mr. Chen Shui-bian was elected as president;

Whereas the 23,000,000 people on Taiwan are not represented in the United Nations and many other international organizations, and their human rights as citizens of the world are therefore severely abridged;

Whereas Taiwan has in recent years repeatedly expressed its strong desire to participate in the United Nations and other international organizations;

Whereas Taiwan has much to contribute to the work and funding of the United Nations and other international organizations;

Whereas the world community has reacted positively to Taiwan's desire for international participation, as shown by Taiwan's membership in the Asian Development Bank and Taiwan's admission to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation group as a full member and to the World Trade Organization as an observer;

Whereas the United States has supported Taiwan's participation in these bodies and, in the Taiwan Policy Review of September 1994, declared an intention of a stronger and more active policy of support for Taiwan's participation in appropriate international organizations;

Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That it is the sense of the Congress that--

(1) Taiwan and its 23,000,000 people deserve appropriate meaningful participation in the United Nations and other international organizations such as the World Health Organization; and

(2) the United States should fulfill the commitment it made in the 1994 Taiwan Policy Review to more actively support Taiwan's participation in appropriate international organizations.
Passed the House of Representatives October 3, 2000.

